Lili by Saeed Arabzadeh EFIAP (Iran)
2013. Iran.
“A face taken from emotions and beauty.”
A Woman Working as a Pottery by Phoe Char (Myanmar)
“A woman working in a pottery factory, location is Myanmar country ShweBo district Sintkuu town ship at 12:24 am shooting.”
Ring Love by Jader Morais (Brazil)
16:46:03 Brasília time on June 17, 2020. Vinícola Terrassos, Amparo, São Paulo, Brazil.
“This photo is from a Pre wedding rehearsal, where I wanted to photograph the
couple’s engagement ring in detail and feel their love at the same time.”
Sight by Jubo Cao (China)
April 19th, 2019. Iran.
Mãe negra by Agatha Santos Marinho (Brazil)
May 29th, 2021. São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.
“In my photo space set up at home, with the aim of portraying the beauty of black women’s motherhood.”
Sleep by Pyi Moe Thu (Myanmar)
Dawei, Myanmar.
“At the end of the day, I was filming a buffalo student who was tired and a sleep from a buffalo school.”